Monday, May 02, 2005

Phase 2 : Monotonous

Just ended my game of Devil May Cry 3. So hooked onto it these days, realised that PS2 is quite a good companion when you are really bored. it's as though i have finished my exams. hahaha.. NOT! i still left one this coming wed... =S

Can't wait for the end of the paper. not that i have the hols programme fully planned out but at least i'll know that i can relax fully then. Just got some bad news. rain can't make it for the bangkok trip. sian. was looking forward to it. think most prob the trip will be cancelled unless got interested people joining. =( hope there'll will be some good news. hopefully frm the pfizer clinic. they'll be chosing only 10 out of the 40+ people who went down for the study. else my soon-to-come-up plans for the hols will be ruined...


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