Thursday, September 18, 2008

Will be missed.

She left us.
to find something which we couldn't give her.
on the same day and same date as grandpa.
18th September.
Have a safe journey.
and may you find some comfort there.

Monday, September 01, 2008


if i can buy a minute of your time, how much will it be?
if i can give you a minute of my time, will it cost less?

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Woah... it's been so long.. i'm so unfamiliar with this all of a sudden. Hahaha..

Let me explain, the studying phase and working phase of life is completely different. i've spent most of my 25 years of life studying and complaining about exams and schoolwork.. now that study phase is over, i'm gonna complain about the virtually non existence of life i'm having. let's see, working in keppelfels takes up 5.5 days of my week. it's not that this job sucks, on the contrary, i'm loving the intensity of it! (call me crazy) but this job seriously saps helluva lot of energy.. fancy waking up at 530 six days a week.. explains why i rather stay home and sleep.

So, in short, if you are still studying, quit complaining and cherish it. And if you are working like i'm now, just live with it.

I thought i should update this blog a little when i'm still fresh and who knows when is my next fresh date. haa.

my friend just said something interesting to me.

"you're still living in your fat shadow"

which i agree and like to add, it gives me and others lotsa shade as well! =)

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Unofficial graduate.

With a thank you, i finally ended my 4 years of university life.
packing up these moments.
leaving behind memories.

with a tear i couldn't cry,
and a smile i couldn't smile,
i am bidding you farewell,
remembering the times,
the good and the bad.

i will hear the whispers of fun and laughter i've once enjoyed,
when i pass by,
in this cosy little corner i call seven.

thank you for the memories
and i leave with all but a little regret.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back to one.

it's been a long time since i last made an entry.
oh wells, blame it on fyp bah... i've finally finished and handed up my report draft and if all's well, it'll be my final report! yay.. hahaha.. guessed im too tired to be that happy now..

the start of the year hasn't been more eventful...
these few months i've lost some and win some.. don't ask me what.. i like to leave things ambiguous.. =)

i'm not really in the mood to start sprouting nonsense especially after writing a 90+ page report.. so i'll end this blog with a little thinking..

listening is an effort to hear.
raindrops on the roof, words in a sentence, rythm in music.
listening to tones which could make a word means so much more.
listening brings peace, bliss, trust and enjoyment.
listening is unmeasurable, unquantifiable.

i'm talking crap.
but are you listening?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Leaving behind a memory.

she's gone.

time: 1555hrs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Beginning of the end.

Yep.. beginning of a new year spells the beginning of my last sem. it was like yesterday when i just came into NTU.
now, i'm going to say goodbye. soon. well.. school's not going to be the 1st thing i may be saying goodbye to.
greatgrandma's not doing well. im praying, wishing, hoping she'll get better. im expecting her to be around when i get married =) which also means she will reach at least a century of years! a little faith goes a long way..

A little update on hall... we crashed out of softball preliminaries.. huge disappointment.. at least i m still in the running for hockey gold.. so looking forward to the finals..

not really in the mood to talk right now.. let's look forward next time for some good news =)