Sunday, August 24, 2008


Woah... it's been so long.. i'm so unfamiliar with this all of a sudden. Hahaha..

Let me explain, the studying phase and working phase of life is completely different. i've spent most of my 25 years of life studying and complaining about exams and schoolwork.. now that study phase is over, i'm gonna complain about the virtually non existence of life i'm having. let's see, working in keppelfels takes up 5.5 days of my week. it's not that this job sucks, on the contrary, i'm loving the intensity of it! (call me crazy) but this job seriously saps helluva lot of energy.. fancy waking up at 530 six days a week.. explains why i rather stay home and sleep.

So, in short, if you are still studying, quit complaining and cherish it. And if you are working like i'm now, just live with it.

I thought i should update this blog a little when i'm still fresh and who knows when is my next fresh date. haa.

my friend just said something interesting to me.

"you're still living in your fat shadow"

which i agree and like to add, it gives me and others lotsa shade as well! =)