Monday, March 24, 2008

Back to one.

it's been a long time since i last made an entry.
oh wells, blame it on fyp bah... i've finally finished and handed up my report draft and if all's well, it'll be my final report! yay.. hahaha.. guessed im too tired to be that happy now..

the start of the year hasn't been more eventful...
these few months i've lost some and win some.. don't ask me what.. i like to leave things ambiguous.. =)

i'm not really in the mood to start sprouting nonsense especially after writing a 90+ page report.. so i'll end this blog with a little thinking..

listening is an effort to hear.
raindrops on the roof, words in a sentence, rythm in music.
listening to tones which could make a word means so much more.
listening brings peace, bliss, trust and enjoyment.
listening is unmeasurable, unquantifiable.

i'm talking crap.
but are you listening?